Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

diabetes mellitus definition

diabetes mellitus definition

pengertian diabetes mellitus
Diabetes is one of the oldest diseases in humans. This disease has been around since the days of the ancestors. Diabetes comes from the Greek, i.e. diabetes mellitus and showers which means which means honey or sugar.

diabetes mellitus symptoms
more or less the term describes diabetes diabetes symptoms are uncontrolled, that many out urine containing sugar levels. The disease is often called diabetes.

By definition, the term medical diabetes extends to a collection of symptoms that arise on the aspects of a person caused by the presence of elevated levels of blood glucose resulting from insulin deficiency.

Diabetes mellitus associated with setting the normal sugar levels in the blood. In normal conditions the body sugar levels range from 70-110 mg/dL and always controlled.

Any absorption occurs after eating foods like carbohydrates in the gut and in the blood sugar levels will rise so much that it triggers the production of insulin by the pancreas gland hormone. Then most of the sugar in the blood will spread into a wide range of the body's cells and used as energy in cell.

Then the muscle cells use sugar as energy, some are stored as glycogen and the rest will be converted to fat and protein.

On the cause of type 1 diabetes, the insulin hormone shortages on the process of absorption of food. If insulin is reduced, then the sugar levels in the blood will increase. Sugar in your blood comes from the food consumed by the liver are chemically processed. Most sugar is stored and partly used as energy.

Insulin hormone serves as a natural stabilizer against the glucose in the blood. If the tejadi impaired secretion of the insulin hormone production/it will cause potential affected by diabetes mellitus will be very high.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 causes its disruption on volume of receptor/receiver hormone insulin i.e. blood cells.

In type 2 diabetes hormone insulin productivity works well, but is not supported by sufficient quantity volume receptors on blood cells, or commonly referred to as insulin resistance.
Some of the factors that cause insulin resistance are:


-Less workout

-A Diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates

-Factor's descendants

Check regularly the condition of your health, because preventing is better than cure.diabetes mellitus symptoms

Source: http://www.klikdokter.com
image source: http://www.livescience.com

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